Attention:  Nathan Scott Wittler Patriquin

Home For The Blind, Edgewater District

Chicago, Illinois  60660 USA

Your Reference:  Displaced Neglected Estranged Spouse Gardenia Hung-Wittler, Lombard Homeowner, Illinois Victim of Crimes

Dear Nathan Scott Wittler Patriquin, Home For The Blind:

Greetings on the first day of September in the year 2016.  Your thoughts come to mind, Nathan Scott Wittler Patriquin.  For the last fifteen (15) years, I have been wondering how to get in contact with you.  God Knows I Have Tried!  After you left our Lombard home with your brother-in-law Jon Eruren, Heather Wittler-Eruren, and Briana Eruren in their pick-up truck for West Dummerston, Vermont, New England, you and I, we have not really seen each other or been in the same place, at the same time.  Then, you had a reckless accident on the dirt road without fencing barriers from the Patriquin farm and plunged into the West River, severely injuring yourself and others along the way down the hill.  Now that you have recovered from your post-traumatic multiple injuries, you have become partially blind and disabled.

Last June, I found a current photo of you taken while you were on vacation in Southern Turkey.  You are now 58 years old and getting older…as time goes by the Edgewater neighborhood, near the Friends where you currently reside in Chicago, by Lake Michigan, in Illinois.

Since you filed for divorce due to irreconcilable differences, I have not received any money or alimony for all the troubles I have experienced during our twenty-eight (28) years of marriage since June 18, 1988, on Father’s Day Weekend.

Nor have I received any Lombard compensation, restoration, and/or recovery for Criminal Water Roofing Damages and Losses at 502 South Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard as a Lombard Homeowner Victim of Heinous Hate Crimes in District 5, York Township, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.

As your estranged, neglected spouse, I am not even invited or contacted for any of the human needs I have for shelter, lodging, hygiene, clothing, food, medical, transportation, financial assistance, or victim’s compensation, restitution, restoration, and recovery.

Please contact me immediately, Nathan Scott Wittler Patriquin, because I am still your estranged, neglected spouse for all other intents and purposes in the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois, USA.  I can be reached by Email or


Gardenia Hung-Wittler

September 1st, 2016

Chicago, Illinois