Music intersects your soul with mathematical connotations
It is both logarhythmic and exponential in its ability to heighten or diminish moods
to multiply or reduce emotions
to cause enjoyment as well as reflection or introspection
Music brings joy to many people
as well as painful remembrances of times past,
of moments lost and of memories which cannot be regained or recollected
Music can bring a feeling of exhiliration and to some a feeling of aloness or sadness or isolation
Music can help synthesize the senses so that they function heuristically in a predetermined fashion
Music can help inundate the eyes with a swath of lights, reflections and of shapes of beautiful glowing instruments:
The vibrant strings of the guitar, the cello, and the violin, the violincello, and the harp.
The crisp shrill happy sounds of the flute, piccolo, saxophone, and trombone,
The emergent strokes of the melodious piano which coalesce around symphonies, overtures, minuets, and rhapsodies, accompanied by a cadre of accompanying instruments which follow various harmonius accompaniments.
The tasteful notes which follow sequentially in both ascending and descending order
The touchy lyrics which link to your soul in a magical vibrancy and take you to secret destinations of peace, tranquility, and of meditation, within your mind.
Music helps to reconcile feelings or emotions
Music helps to quantify and add notes to mathematical abstractions which jump out and leap out of the pages of well orchestrated music in a cascade of sounds of distinct and effervescent clarity.
Music’s effect on the mind and the soul is both pervasive and everlasting and soothing, while in other it is sadfully but roughly elusive.
I love music.

By Anonymous Poet