Brian Nicholas Campbell and Mercedes Benz Sports

Brian Nicholas Campbell and Mercedes Benz Sports Car

Facebook Friend Brian Nicholas Campbell has been a New York resident homeowner and taxpayer who has lived in Rochelle Park, a historic residential district located in New Rochelle, Westchester, New York. New Rochelle is listed in the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in New York. Rochelle Park was founded in 1885.

According to Samuel Swift, in “Community Life at Rochelle Park“, House & Garden (May 1904), “Rochelle Park epitomizes the suburban development design principles that Frederick Law Olmsted advocated with the creation of Central Park in New York City: a landscape that provides urban dwellers with the restorative benefits of a picturesque natural environment. Incorporating open space, recreational areas, naturalistic settings, and broad boulevards for public interaction”.

When Brian Nicholas Campbell began to Chat with me on Messenger in Facebook, he was living at home in Rochelle Park, New York. He wanted to communicate by chatting via the Messenger with me, in order to get to know each other better as Facebook friends.

Brian worked near his New York home for the Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI), located at Nadi El- Said Street, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt, to promote the care, maintenance, and preservation of animals.

The Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI) was established in 1904 under the name of pathology laboratory inside the building of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cairo University; then it becomes the General Department of labs and veterinary researches in its building at Nadi El-said street Dokki Giza; then in 1983 by the Republic Decision No. 19, the Agriculture Research Centre was established containing The Animal Health Research Institute.

The objectives of the Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI) include the following:

  1. Protection of animal, poultry and fish against serious endemic and exotic diseases introduced recently via importation of living animals, food of animal origin or animal by-products, through rapid accurate diagnosis.
  2. Monitoring and diagnosis of causative agents of zoonotic diseases transmitted to human via food of animal origin.

In addition, Brian Nicholas Campbell studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah. During our Chat session on Messenger, Brian told me that he specializes in Thermodynamics for heating and cooling systems, while studying Mechanical Engineering.

Thermodynamics is the branch of science concerned with heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work. It states that the behavior of these quantities is governed by the four laws of thermodynamics, irrespective of the composition or specific properties of the material or system in question. The laws of thermodynamics are explained in terms of microscopic constituents by statistical mechanics. Thermodynamics applies to a wide variety of topics in science and engineering, especially physical chemistry, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering.

When Brian and I began to Chat on Messenger during May 2016, we were able to write about ourselves, as if we were talking to each other virtually as Facebook friends. That is how this Facebook relationship started between Brian Nicholas Campbell and myself.